Sunday 7 December 2014

He is the Gift - #SharetheGift


Most of you will have now heard of the 2014 Christmas initiative shared with members around the world under the direction of the First Presidency "He is the Gift" .  We wanted to share this information with you again in case any of you have missed it and to enable us all another chance to ponder with our families what we will do this Christmas season to share the message of the Saviour and his birth.

The Christmas season brings a variety of thoughts and emotions to God's children throughout the world. People grow increasingly weary of the stress and commercialization associated with Christmas.  Many sense the true meaning of the Christmas season has been lost.  Around the world. the Christmas season causes the honest in heart to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ.

Under the direction of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the He is the Gift initiative focuses on the love of God for His children made manifest in the first gift of Christmas - the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Christmas is a time of reflection on what we can become because of God's sacred gift.  As we discover the gift, we learn of the immeasurable love of God and our absolute need for a Saviour. As we embrace the gift, we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, and desire to become more like Him.  As we share the gift, we follow in the Master's footsteps who invited all to hear His message." - Elder Russell M Nelson.

As members of the Lord's church, we can share the gift by inviting family and friends to learn more of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

The initiative launched on November 28th and will include:
  • He is the Gift video
  • Extensive internet and social media messaging and advertising around the world
  • Promotion at the Hyde Park visitor's centre
  • Christmas pass-along cards
  • website

During December, inspiring messages and images will be made available for you to share with family and friends on social media sites.  The Hyde Park visitor's centre will feature a month-long display inviting visitors to discover, embrace and share the gift. The full time missionaries can provide He is the Gift pass-along cards for you to share with your family and friends.

On the website, visitors can view the video, learn how to discover, embrace and share the gift of Jesus Christ, and learn how to participate I the initiative.

Sisters, may we all take time this week to view the video and ponder on the following invitation from Elder David A Bednar:

"I invite each of us to flood the earth with the messages of righteousness and truth found in the He is the Gift initiative.  Visit to find inspiring content to help discover, embrace and share the gift of God's love for us, made manifest in His Only Begotten Son.  By using the hashtag #SharetheGift, we can sweep the earth with timeless - and timely - messages of the Saviour Jesus Christ."

Sisters - Will you discover the Gift?  Will you embrace the Gift?  Will you share the Gift?

with much love
Stake RS Presidency

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