Sunday 14 December 2014

President Joseph Fielding Smith - Lesson 23

Individual Responsibility - Something to ponder on...
President Joseph Fielding Smith repeatedly taught the principle that, although Latter-day Saints should diligently help others receive the blessings of the gospel, salvation is an individual responsibility.  He also encouraged the Saints to be self-reliant and to work industriously in temporal pursuits.  'This is what life is about' he said 'to develop our potential and especially to gain self-mastery.'
The words of President Smith are so very relevant to us today and the world we live in.  As you may know the Church has introduced some changes within the Welfare Programme, specifically within the realm of Self Reliance, just as we were counselled above. Over 2015 as members of the Ipswich Stake we will be learning more about how to ensure these blessings become part of our lives, particularly using the newly introduced Twelve Principles of Self Reliance within our Relief Society lessons.
Please see the tab above for more details - this will be expanded as we go through 2015.
President Smith always taught by example and his continual efforts to improve himself spiritually could be seen by all.  Could we not learn from his example?
As we look towards 2015 Sisters, what could we do a little better, what could we do a little differently that will bring us ever closer to our Saviour?

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