Sunday 21 December 2014

Where is the Saviour?

As I sat in Sacrament meeting today in Ipswich Ward I heard a wonderful and thought provoking message -
Sister Lafevre told of her preparations for the Ward Christmas Party and the privilege of putting out many nativity sets for the display.  As she carefully unwrapped the pieces of each set she began to notice a pattern, that the designers tended to follow a similar design.  The wise men would often be placed on the right side, while the shepherds went to the left.  Joseph would be faced slightly to the right with Mary facing inward the other side, both facing the central figure, the baby Jesus.
It crossed her mind - why this would be?  Why was the baby Jesus in the centre?  What would happen if she decided to move the Jesus off to the side and have a wise man in the centre, or a shepherd.  But she realised she just couldn't do it.  It was so very necessary that Jesus be in the centre.
The thoughts came as I listened to the questions then posed to us:
As a Latter Day woman where would I be in that scene?
Where is my relationship with the Saviour right now?
Where do I stand with Christ?
Is He at the centre of my life?
And so Sisters, we must each ask ourselves.  Where is the Saviour in our lives?  Is He still placed at the centre?  Could we possibly have it any other way and still feel the peace and joy his coming brought to the world?
As we approach this Christmas period, what better time to take a moment and review where our hearts are and what state our relationship is with Jesus Christ.

 How much room will you make for the Saviour this Christmas season and in the coming year?  Will He be the centre of your life in 2015?

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