Big Hearts Service Project


The Big Heart Service Project - Have you got involved yet???

We are so excited about the new Ipswich Stake RS Service Project where we have the opportunity to help and support three charities:

1. Rachel's Place - An orphanage in Lesotho, South Africa who take in street children and offer them a caring home and the local community.
2. Kenya's Children Centre - Supporting a local maternity hospital.
3. Preemies UK - A UK charity who provides clothes for premature babies and burial clothes for angel babies who die in stillbirth or miscarriage.
You will be hearing more through your wards shortly.  Please note there is no expectation  for sisters to get involved, but we welcome every sister to join in if / how they would like to. can we help?

Firstly we would like to help provide 30 Children's Boxes which contain basic hygiene kits and school supplies etc.  We need the following....
30 toothbrushes      
30 toothpastes
30 Pairs of gloves (childrens size)
30 scarves
30 packs of felt tip pens / coloured pencils
30 small notebooks
30 combs / brushes
30 flannels / small sponges
30 small toys
30 small teddies
30 pens
30 pencils
30 bars of soap
30 hair bands / accessories
Could you add a little item in your shopping basket every now and then? 
Secondly there is a great need for knitted / crocheted blankets:
One of the big things needed for Kenya and South Africa are blankets - these can either be made as a whole crocheted piece (30" square or bigger), or by knitting / crocheting 6" squares which they will make into blankets. 
The other way the blankets are being made is by knitting / crocheting strips of wool (of differing
colours so an ideal project to use up old wool).  They need to be knitted with DK wool, size 4mm needles, and 35 stitches.  Continue in garter stitch for 72".  We then send the stripes to our co-ordinator in the UK who then arranges for strips to be sewn together and blankets created.

Thirdly also for those who like to knit, they are in need of older children's clothes, and knitted baby items for full size babies and tiny angel babies

Please go ahead and use your own patterns or search on the internet for patterns, or we have a number of patterns we can provide for angel baby items.

These were some that were created by sisters in Ipswich Ward in a similar project last year:

 If you want patterns for angel baby items please contact Sara McCullum on

And lastly there are two other ways you can help and might want to involve your family...

By collecting pennies which are donated and assist in paying postage to Kenya and South Africa.
By collecting plastic bottle tops which are sold and raise money for the South African orphanage.

We will be collecting all donated items at Women's Day on Saturday 16th May and arranging the first collection to the charity but the project will continue throughout 2015.

Sara McCullum, 2nd Counsellor in the Stake RS Presidency will be co-ordinating the project so please contact her with any questions or needs. 

Thank you sisters - what a wonderful way we can come together, do a tiny bit each but make a big difference. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is such a kind thing to say :) If you contact me on we can talk further xxx
