Saturday 29 November 2014

Welcome !!


Welcome to the Ipswich Stake Relief Society blog.  

As a Presidency we have been discussing our goals for the coming year and what we would like to achieve and felt a great desire to reach out to the wonderful sisters in this stake, to get to know you better and to feel of your goodness.  This is one of the ways we hope to achieve this.

Hopefully you will have seen us around the stake but a brief introduction:

Our Stake RS President is Michaela Nelson, who is in the Witham ward and been serving for 12 months in this calling.   

She is supported by Shirley Allen from the Chelmsford ward as her 1st counsellor and Sara McCullum from the Ipswich ward as 2nd counsellor. 

Beverly Roddie also from Ipswich is the secretary and thankfully keeps us all organised.

We will be updating this blog regularly and would love your input.  Please send us your photos of the activities you are holding and share with us the wonderful experiences you are having.  Let this be a time for us to come together as sisters in the Ipswich Stake and be as Lucy Mack Smith described:

"We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction that we may all sit down in heaven together."

What a beautiful blessing that would be to one day be able to sit together in heaven with our Saviour Jesus Christ.

We will be using this blog to share counsel we receive as sisters, training, testimonies and giving opportunities for us to come together to serve and care. 

Please add your email address to the box on the top right of the screen so you receive emails each time the blog is updated.

Sisters, we love you dearly and look forward to working with you all.

The Stake RS Presidency

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