Sunday 8 March 2015

True Repentance

Todays lesson was taken from Chapter 5 of the Teachings of President Ezra Taft Benson: Principles of True Repentance.

What part does Repentance play in your life? 

When President Benson was called he felt a great prompting from the Lord to teach the principle of repentance.  He taught that it was better to "prepare and prevent that it is to repair and repent" but knew that every one of us would need to use the wonderful gift of repentance.  He taught the Saviour's role in helping us change as follows:

President Benson spoke of six important concepts he felt every one of us needed to know and understand:

Concept One:  The Gospel Principles are the steps and guidelines that will help us find true happiness and joy.

"One of Satan's most frequently used deceptions is the notion that the commandments of God are meant to restrict freedom and limit happiness.  You people especially sometimes feel that the standards of the Lord are like fences and chains, blocking them from those activities that seem enjoyable in life.  But exactly the opposite is true...we must come to realise that wickedness never did, never does and never will bring us happiness."

Concept Two: We must understand that there is an important relationship between faith and repentance.

"Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation."

Concept Three: Repentance involves nor just a change of actions, but a change of heart.

"Can human hearts be changed?  Why, of course!  It happens every day in the great missionary work of the Church.  It is one of the most widespread of Christ's modern miracles.  If it hasn't happened to you - it should"

Concept Four: Godly sorrow leads to true repentance.

"Godly sorrow is a gift of the spirit.  It is a deep realization that our actions have offended our Father and our God.  It is the sharp and keen awareness that our behaviour caused the Saviour, He who knew no sin, even the greatest of all, to endure agony and suffering.  Our sins caused Him to bleed at every pore.  This very real mental and spiritual anguish is what the scriptures refer to as having 'a broken heart and a contrite spirit'.  Such a spirit is the absolute prerequisite for true repentance."

Concept Five: No one is more anxious to see us change our lives that the Father and the Saviour.

"The power of sin is great.  If we are to extricate ourselves from it, especially serious sin, we must have a power greater than ourselves...No one is more anxious to help you flee from sin that your Heavenly Father.  Go to Him.  Acknowledge your sin, confess your shame and your guilt and then plead with Him for help.  He has the power to help you triumph....He will come to our aid."

Concept Six: We must not become discouraged and lose hope.  Becoming Christlike is a lifetime pursuit.

"Day by day they move closer to the Lord, little realizing they are building a godlike life.  They live quiet lives of goodness, service and commitment...We must not lose hope.  Hope is an anchor to the souls of men.  Satan would have us cast away that anchor....The Lord is pleased with every effort, even the tiny daily ones in which we strive to be more like Him.  Though we may see that we have far to go on the road to perfection, we must not give up hope."

"For those who pay the price required by true repentance, the promise is sure.  You can be clean again.  The despair can be lifted.  The sweet peace of forgiveness will flow into your lives."

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