Sunday 1 March 2015

Being Obedient

Our lesson today was taken from the 12 Principles of Self-Reliance - No 3. Be Obedient:

A question was posed:  What laws must I obey to become more self-reliant?

We then watched a wonderful message from President Monson - Obedience Brings Blessings - which can be viewed HERE

The remainder of the lesson can be viewed under Lesson three on the Self Reliance tab above.  Please take time to review this important principle and teaching with your family.

Sisters - we are so excited to see the enthusiasm many of you are showing with our Stake RS Service project.  It has been wonderful to see how keen our sisters are to serve and show such compassion for those in need.  Here are some photos of our wonderful Colchester Sisters as they met together this week to begin knitting their colourful blanket strips.  You can see more info of what is needed on the Big Heart tab at the top of the page.


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