Sunday 22 March 2015

Joseph Smith

Today in RS we had a ward choice for Teachings of Our Times - one of our wards studied Elder Neil L. Anderson's talk 'Joseph Smith'.

Jesus Christ chose a holy man, a righteous man, to lead the Restoration of the fullness of His gospel. 
He chose Joseph Smith.
'Joseph Smith is the Prophet of the Restoration.  His spiritual work began with the appearance of the Father and the Son, followed by numerous heavenly visitations.  He was the instrument in God's hands in bringing forth sacred scripture, lost doctrine, and the restoration of the priesthood.  The importance of Joseph's work requires more than intellectual consideration, it requires that we, like Joseph, ask of God.  Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God.'
Elder Anderson warned that in the world there is an increasing dismissal of the Lord and in turn of Joseph Smith and the Restoration - 'we are especially saddened when someone who once revered Joseph retreats from his or her conviction and then maligns the Prophet.'
So what can we as sisters in the gospel do, to ensure our own testimonies remain strong and how should we react to those who do not believe.
'To questions about Joseph's character, we might share the words of thousands who knew him personally and who gave their lives for the work he helped to establish.....We might remind the sincere inquirer that Internet information does not have a "truth" filter.  Some information, no matter how convincing, is simply not true.
'Years ago I read a Time Magazine article that reported the discovery of a letter, supposedly written by Martin Harris, that conflicted with Joseph Smith's account of finding the Book of Mormon plates.  A few members left the church because of the document.  Sadly, they left too quickly.  Months later experts discovered (and the forger confessed) that the letter was a complete deception.  You may understandably question what you hear on the news, but you need never doubt the testimony of God's prophets.'
'Each believer needs a spiritual confirmation of the divine mission and character of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  This is true for every generation....Brothers and Sisters, let me give you a caution: you won't be of much help to others if your own faith is not securely in place.'

A few weeks ago I boarded a plane for South America.  The flight attendant directed our attention to a safety video.  It is unlikely, we were warned, but if cabin pressure changes, the panels above your seat will open, revealing oxygen masks.  If this happens, reach up and pull a mask toward you. 

Place the mask over your nose and mouth.  Slip the elastic strap over your head and adjust the mask if necessary. 

Then this caution:

Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others.'

'The negative commentary about the Prophet Joseph Smith will increase as we move toward the Second Coming of Jesus Christ....There will be family members and friends who will need your help.  Now is the time to adjust your own spiritual oxygen mask so that you are prepared to help others who are seeking the truth.'

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