Sunday 25 January 2015

The Book

In Relief Society today the lesson was taught from the October General Conference 2014, each ward were able to choose which talk they used.

Below we have shared the lesson taught in one of our units today:  The Book by Elder Allan F. Packer.  The talk can be read / viewed HERE

The Lord's work and glory is to 'bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man', he desperately desires that we will all live righteously and do all that is needed that we may all one day return to His presence.  Elder Packer taught that there are four areas in which the Church focuses to assist each of it's members to reach this goal:

1. Live the gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Gathering Israel through missionary work
3. Caring for the poor and needy
4. Enabling the salvation of the dead by building temples and performing vicarious ordinances.

"These four focuses and all other laws, commandments, and ordinances are required and not optional."
Elder Packer then went on to speak to us about number 4 - work for the dead.
We were reminded that one thing we have been asked to do as members of the Europe Area is during 2015 to complete the My Family booklet. 
Have you accepted this challenge?
If not, these should be available from your ward / branch and a wonderful way to begin you family history or even just to insure you are gathering the information you need.
President Spencer W Kimball said: "Our success, individually and as a Church, will largely be determined by how faithfully we focus on living the gospel in the home."  'Temple and family history is part of living the gospel at home.  It should be a family activity far more than a Church activity.'  Are we ensuring that is happening?
We discussed various ways to make Family History something ALL the family are involved in and care about - maybe by hanging a Family Tree on the wall in our homes so we can see who we have found and what spaces still are waiting to be found.  Maybe by sharing photographs and stories of our ancestors in FHE, even acting out the stories with the children in our homes. 
Also, was discussed the great importance on involving our youth.  Elder David A Bednar promised: "I invite the young people of the Church to learn about and experience the Spirit of Elijah...I promise that you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.  As you participate in and love this holy work, you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives."    In a world where temptation becomes more and more rife among our young people, isn't this exactly what we hope for them?  To be safeguarded and influenced by the Lord.  It can be as simple as involving them in our Family History efforts.
If you would like to see more about the challenge that was given to the youth, you can watch the video HERE .  Maybe this is a challenge your family want to take this year?
Many members of the Church love Family History, but sadly there are many who are yet to do any of this work.  Elder Packer said "Even with the dramatic increase in member participation, we find that relatively few members of the Church are regularly involved in finding and doing temple ordinances for their family.  This calls for a change in our priorities.  Don't fight the change, embrace it!"
Sisters, this is a work WE can do.  This is a work we can encourage ALL our family to be part of.  Elder Packer taught us that the Church has done much to make this possible and have removed many of the obstacles. "However, there is one obstacle the Church cannot remove.  It is an individual's hesitation to do the work.  All it requires is a decision and a little effort."
Will we be the obstacle?  Or are we willing to make that decision and put in a little effort?  The blessings will be immense.

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