Sunday 18 January 2015

Pray Always....Do We?

Todays lesson was taught from Chapter Two of the Teachings of President Benson: Pray Always.

When do YOU pray?

What a wonderful video, reminding us of the great blessing that prayer, the opportunity to speak with our loving Father in Heaven truly is.

President Benson said:  "All through my life the counsel to depend on prayer has been prized above almost any other advice I have received?"  Sisters, do we feel the same way?  Is prayer a treasured blessing in YOUR life?
It soon becomes clear as we read the words of President Benson, that prayer was a part of all that he
did - from praying over his employment as the United States Secretary of Agriculture to visiting Germany after World War Two, on the Lord's errand. And it was those prayers that sustained him and allowed him to be an instrument to the Lord.  It needs to be the same way with us.

During Relief Society today we had the opportunity to share our own experiences with prayer, and bear testimony of the blessing it has been in our own lives.  Sisters spoke of miraculous healings that have come to members of their families as they have joined together and pled with the Lord for help.  Testimonies were shared of families brought together, personal strength received, faith renewed and the ability to withstand temptation.

President Benson suggested that five ways we could improve our communication with the Lord - as you consider the experiences in your own life, maybe ponder if one of these could make your relationship with the Lord a little better?

1. We should pray frequently - we should be alone with our Heavenly Father at least two or three times a day.

2. We should find an appropriate place where we can meditate and pray - free from distraction.

3. We should prepare ourselves for prayer - If we do not feel like praying, then we should pray until we do feel like praying. 

4. Our prayers should be meaningful and pertinent - We should avoid using the same phrases in each prayer.  Any of us would be offended if a friend said the same words to us each day, treated the conversation as a chore, and could hardly wait to finish in order to turn on the television set and forget us...

5. After making a request through prayer, we have a responsibility to assist in its being granted - We should listen.  Perhaps while we are on our knees, the Lord wants to counsel us.

Sometimes life can be extremely trying and President Benson teaches us it is often in these moments that prayer becomes the most precious to us.    He says: "I know without any question that it is possible for men and women to reach out in humility and prayer and tap that Unseen Power, to have prayers answered.  Man does not stand alone, or at least, he need not stand alone.  Prayer will open doors, prayer will remove barriers, prayer will ease pressures, prayer will give inner peace and comfort during times of strain and stress and difficulty.  Thank God for prayer.

"Even during hours of trial and anxiety, it is possible to draw close to the Lord, to feel of His influence and of His sustaining power - that one is never alone, if he will only humble himself before the Almighty.  I am grateful for that testimony, that assurance."

Sisters, we too can have that sure testimony of prayer.  We do it by proving the Lord at His word and ensuring prayer has a priority within our lives.  We do it by following the counsel of President Benson:

"...and so I adjure you to give prayer - daily prayer, secret prayer - a foremost place in your lives.  Let no day pass without it."

Just imagine the difference it could make.  Sisters - When do YOU pray?

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