Sunday 1 February 2015

Time is a Precious Thing...

Sisters, today in RS we were presented with Self Reliance - Principle Two:

Use Time Wisely

We pondered on the question 'Why is time one of God's greatest gifts?' and then watched the video clip:


Please refer to the Self Reliance tab at the top for the remainder of this principle, which we would encourage you to consider further and use through the coming week.

A short presidency meeting was then given in each unit - this was the message shared in one of our wards today:

We are all incredibly busy people with much to do and many things to take care of.  The RS President shared her feelings that one of the assignments we have that sometimes doesn't get given the priority it should is that of being a Visiting Teacher. 

We discussed why it is such a vital role for each of us, why VT is so important.  Ideas shared included that we were the hands and ears of the Lord, enabling each sister and her family to be cared for, that we needed to assist the Bishop and the Ward RS President in ministering to each sister and that it is a responsibility and covenant we made with the Lord at the time of baptism to love and care for one another.

The book 'Daughters of My Kingdom' shared the example of the early VT who were assigned to take care of the physical / welfare needs of their sisters, which in time has obviously grown to include the spiritual welfare of our sisters.  Sister Eliza R. Snow who served as the second General RS President gave a wonderful description of just what we can do:

"Plead before God and the Holy Ghost to get the spirit so that you will be able to meet the spirit that prevails in that house...and you may feel to talk words of peace and comfort and if you find a sister feeling cold, take her to your heart as you would a child to your bosom and warm her up."

Further to that our Stake RS President Michaela shared a thought provoking quote from President Thomas S Monson:

"After our family, the most important people in our lives should be those we home and visit teach."

This week as you study Self Reliance Principle Two: Use Time Wisely also take some time to ponder the current state of your assignment as a Visiting Teacher.  Have we given it the priority it needs?  Are we keeping that covenant we made with the Lord?  And truly - are these sisters important to us?  Do we love them the way the Lord needs us to love them?

Maybe this month is the time to ensure we can say yes, we love the Lord enough to love our sisters.


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  4. Hi - please drop me an email at and let me know your name and contact details and I will pass them on to Sue xx

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  10. I have received your email and forwarded it to Sue x

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