Sunday 14 June 2015

We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet

Today's lesson is taken from The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, Chapter 11: Follow the Living Prophet which you can read HERE.
From a tiny child President Benson learned from his father that when "the Presidency has spoken, this is the word of the Lord to us!" and to always obey.  It was a lesson he went on to teach his own children and in turn the members of the Church.
He taught: "Learn to keep your eye on the prophet.  He is the Lord's mouthpiece and the only man who can speak for the Lord today.  Let his inspired counsel take precedence."
President Benson taught: " The most important prophet, so far as we are concerned, is the one who is living in our day and age.  This is the prophet who has today's instructions from God to us.  God's revelation to Adam did not instruct Noah how to build the ark.  Every generation has need of the ancient scripture, plus the current scripture from the living prophet.  Therefore, the most crucial reading and pondering that you should do is of the latest inspired words from the Lord's mouthpiece."
Can you remember what President Monson, our living prophet, has taught recently?  
If not, maybe now is the time to take a few moments and relook at his recent counsel.
"If you want to know how well we stand with the Lord then let us ask ourselves how well we stand with His mortal captain - how close do our lives harmonize with the Lord's anointed - the living Prophet - President of the Church, and with the Quorum of the First Presidency."
"The story is told how Brigham Young, driving through a community, saw a man building a house and simply told him to double the thickness of his walls.  Accepting President Young as a prophet, the man changed his plans and doubled the walls.  Shortly afterwards a flood came through that town, resulting in much destruction, but this man's walls stood.  While putting the roof on his house, he was heard singing, 'We thank thee, O God for a prophet!'"
May we too follow the prophet and bring such blessings on our own families.

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