Friday 1 May 2015

Women's Day is almost here.....

We are getting very excited as Women's Day 2015 is almost upon us.

We wanted to share a little of what is happening on the day: Saturday May 16th

Registration - 9.30am to begin at 10.00am.

Morning - a choice of 2 of the following workshops:

1. Yoga - Sister Jo Johnson
2. Random Acts of Kindness - Sisters Ashlea Sousa and Katiuska Watling
3. Making Your Miracles Happen - Brother & Sister Watling
4. Forgiveness and Moving On - Sister Tina Geddes
5. Praise through Music - Choir Workshop - Sister Jane Wheeler
6. Hope, Overcoming Adversity - Sister Jill Lucas

This will be followed by lunch.

Women's Day will officially finish about 1.30pm this year however we will have an optional Service Hour until 2.30pm for our Big Hearts Service Project.

In this hour we will be packaging up all the donations from the wards for the project, will be making some hygiene bags and packing hygiene kits and will have patterns and wool available for those sisters who would like to make some little white hearts which the charity also need.  Please just bring along your needles or hook.  We really hope some of you will be able to stay for a little while and help out :)

We will also have a lovely little space where you can have some quiet time and enjoy being in one another's company.

Please remember to bring along all the items you have bought / made for the charity so far, we are so grateful and will be sharing a lovely message from the owner of the South African Orphanage who are thrilled with everything we have been able to help with.

We really hope the day will be a wonderful strength to you and are excited to see you all.

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