Sunday 19 April 2015

The Power of the Word....

Today's lesson was from Chapter 8 of the Teachings of President Ezra Taft Benson...

At a priesthood leadership meeting Pres. Benson gave a partial address but wanted to ensure all members could receive his counsel.  The lesson today was the entire address - please take a few moments to read it HERE. 

A few highlights from Pres. Benson's address are shown below:

"Satan is waging war against the members of the Church who have testimonies and are trying to keep the commandments.  And while many of our members are remaining faithful and strong, some are wavering.  Some are falling...The Prophet Lehi saw our day.  He saw that many people would wander blindly in the mists of darkness...he saw some fall away in forbidden paths...and still others wander in strange roads.  Some members of the Church today are among those souls Lehi saw which were lost."

But that does not have to happen to us!

"Lehi saw an iron rod which led through the mists of darkness.  He saw that IF people would hold fast to that rod, they could avoid the rivers of filthiness, stay away from the forbidden paths, stop from wandering in the strange roads that lead to destruction."

That iron rod is the word of found in the scriptures, in the words of the living prophets, and in personal revelation.  "This is the answer to the great challenge of our time."

What part does the word of God play in your life? 

"Often we spend great effort in trying to increase the activity levels in our stakes.  We work diligently to raise the percentages of those attending sacrament meetings.  We labour to get higher percentage of our young men on missions.  We strive to improve the numbers of those marrying in the temple.  All of these are commendable efforts and important to the growth of the kingdom.  But when individual members and families immerse themselves in the scriptures regularly and consistently, these other areas of activity will automatically come.  Testimonies will increase.  Commitment will be stretched.  Families will be fortified.  Personal revelation will flow."

"Success in righteousness, the power to avoid deception and resist temptation, guidance in our daily lives, healing of the soul - these are but a few of the promises the Lord has given to those who will come to His word.....

"However diligent we may be in other areas, certain blessings are to be found only in the scriptures, only in coming to the word of the Lord and holding fast to it as we make our way through the mists of darkness to the tree of life."

Do you love the scriptures and the Word of God?  President Benson pleads with us:
"I urge you to recommit yourselves to a study of the scriptures.  Immerse yourself in them daily."

Sunday 12 April 2015

Joseph Smith, an Instrument in the Hands of the Lord

Todays lesson was taken from The Teachings of President Ezra Taft Benson, Chapter 7.

During President Benson's mission in Northern England he was invited to speak to a group of investigator's at the local chapel.  He decided to speak about the apostasy and prepared a 15 minute talk.  He said: "When I sat down and looked at my watch, I had talked 25 minutes and I hadn't mentioned the apostasy, I hadn't even thought of the apostasy.  I had talked about Joseph Smith and I had borne witness that he was a prophet of God and I knew it.  I told about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon as a new witness of Christ and I had borne testimony.  When I realized what had happened, I couldn't hold back the tears.

Take a moment to watch this short, but wonderful video on Joseph Smith and note what the Spirit whispers to you about this great man:

We have much to be grateful to Joseph Smith for.

1. The First Vision - "it is a message and a revelation intended for all of our Father's children living upon the face of the earth.  It was the greatest event that has ever happened in this world since the resurrection of the Master. Sometimes I think we are so close to it that we don't fully appreciate it's significance and importance and the magnitude of it."

2. The bringing forth of the Book of Mormon - "the major purpose of the record is to convince a later generation that Jesus if the Christ, the Son of God...If the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith was His prophet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation."

3. God established the Kingdom on earth through Joseph Smith

President Benson testified of Joseph Smith: "His mission had had, and was to have, impact on all who had come to earth, all who then dwelt on earth and the millions yet unborn.  I testify to you that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God, one of the truly great prophets of all time, a man of destiny, a man of character, a man of courage, a man of deep spirituality, a God-like prophet of the Lord, a truly noble and great one of all time."

Sunday 5 April 2015

General Conference Sunday AM

Another great session, 3 new temples announced and a wonderful chance to hear from the Prophet.

Talks were from: President Thomas S Monson, Sister Rosemarie M Wixom, Elder Jose A Teixeira, Bishop Gerald Causse, Elder Brent H Nielson, Elder Jeffrey R Holland and President Dieter F Uchtdorf.

Below are a few messages shared:

Saturday 4 April 2015

General Conference - Sat PM Session

Another wonderful session and an important opportunity to show our sustaining vote for the Prophet and Apostles.

We heard from Elder David A. Bednar, Elder D Todd Christofferson, Elder Wilford W Anderson, Elder Dale C Renlund, Elder Michael T Ringwood and Elder Quentin L Cook.

Here was a taster of the messages we heard:

General Conference - Sat AM Session

We hope you felt uplifted as you heard messages from our General Authorities and Leaders of the Church in this session of conference.

We heard from President Henry B Eyring, President Boyd K Packer, our General RS President Sister Linda K Burton, Elder Dallin H Oaks, Elder L Whitney Clayton and Elder L Tom Perry.

Here is a taster of the counsel shared: